Sunday, March 13, 2011

No excuses

Really, no excuses. It's spring. I've had the week off work to get the allotment started for the year and it's been great. There's been real warmth in the sun and the soil's turned over nicely. And I feel great too, aching obviously, but purposeful. Invigorated.

At the start of the week I did a lot of digging and forking through the great clods left by winter, hoiked out all the weeds that had taken over and started a tiny bit of planting. So far, only broad beans (Meteor) and red and white onions (Red Baron and Stuttgarter) But most of the groundwork is done, my potatoes are chitting and there's another packet of broad beans ready to go in the moment I get time. Oh, and today (this is the icing on the cake) we have frogspawn in the pond!

I wish I had another week off next week!
Happy gardening

1 comment:

freerangegirl said...

What a difference it makes having a full week to go at it! At least if youre back at work this week your aches will have time to recover and there might be tadpoles on your next trip!