Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Change of photo

I've just had quite a different sort of haircut and really don't look much like the old photo anymore so I thought it was time for an update. I've been going blonder again too, mostly by design although it's much lighter than I intended because the sun has bleached my hair over the summer.

I'm planning to go to the allotment tomorrow morning. I'll be at work in the afternoon, but if there's another stunning blue and gold day tomorrow I can't think of a better way of spending the morning. It's been such a pleasure to be out doors this autumn, we've had one fabulous golden day after another. Just sitting on the bench with my face turned up to the sun and pottering around with a flask of tea is so lovely when its like this, that I'm spending as much time as I can doing just that.

I haven't mentioned vegetables, there'll have to be proper allotment talk next time, none of this rubbish about tea and haircuts.
Happy gardening

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